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Opening Hours

MONDAY   9:00am - 5:30pm
TUESDAY   9:00am - 5:30pm
WEDNESDAY   9:00am - 5:30pm
THURSDAY    9:00am - 5:30
FRIDAY   9:00am - 5:30pm
SATURDAY   9:00am - 12:00 Noon
SUNDAY   Closed

( Public Holidays   Closed )

  Find us at

10 North Terrace, Tumby Bay, South Australia

Our Services

Dose Administration Aids

Do you, or someone you love, have difficulty remembering when to take your medicines?


The Tumby Bay Pharmacy can help by packing your regular medicines into a special dosing device called a Dose Administration Aid (DAA).


Medicine-related hospital admissions remain a significant problem in Australia. It is estimated that up to 400,000 people are admitted to hospital each year in Australia as a result of medicine-related problems.


DAAs can assist you to clearly see when to take your medicines and quickly check that you have taken your medicines.


We will manage your prescriptions and let you know when you need to see your doctor for new scripts.


The DAA will be made up and ready to collect when you visit your pharmacy.


Return Unwanted Medicines


A MedsCheck is an in-pharmacy medicine review between you, your carer (if you choose) and your pharmacist that is focused on education and self-management.  


The service is aimed to identify problems that you may be experiencing with your medicines, help you learn more about your medicines, improve your effective use of medicines and provide education on how best to store your medicines.

Prescription Reminder Service

Keep your prescriptions safe

Influenza Vaccination

Annual vaccination is an important measure to help prevent against influenza and its complications.


Yearly flu vaccination is recommended for people aged 6 months and over (unless contraindicated).


The flu  is  a highly  contagious infection of the airways  affecting people of all ages. Although it can be a mild disease, it can also cause serious illness in otherwise healthy people.


By getting vaccinated against  the flu, you can also help protect other people, especially those  who are too sick or young to be vaccinated. The more people who are vaccinated in your community, the less likely the disease will spread.


Influenza vaccinations are available privately through the Tumby Bay Pharmacy.


The  National Immunisation Program (NIP) provides free  seasonal flu  vaccines to eligible babies, young children,  teenagers and older Australians, along with those  who have a particular medical condition. Available through your GP. 

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